Thursday, March 17, 2016

What's feeling great worth?

Wow!  That is really all I can say about what this product is doing for me.  I haven't posted updates in a few days because to be honest, I've just been enjoying this feeling and my family so much that I haven't stopped to share.

First update I want to share is that I've not had a headache since day two.  That's huge considering I was living on anywhere from 4 to 6 16.9 oz Diet Mt. Dews a day.  
I have so much energy that my family thinks something is wrong with me.  My son actually broke my heart night before last.  At about 8pm he wanted me to help him with something.  I told him to go take a shower first and then I would help him.  His comment went something like this: "Come on Mom! You'll be asleep when I get out.  You're laying on the couch and I know what comes next!"  He might as well have slapped me in the face!  He was totally right but it broke my heart to realize what my family was seeing from me.  My response went something like this: "Not anymore!  Mommy is Thriving!"  They really have no clue what that means right now but I hope they understand that mom is making changes for the better.  I'll have to say that for me, that was enough to validate my efforts and make this journey worth what ever the price may be.
What price would you put on being healthy, happy, and feeling wonderful?
My relationship with my family and being the best that I can be, not just for me but for them, is totally priceless!!

I challenge you to check the price of other programs or products that can offer you what this one does.  Also, check out the prices of weight loss programs and products, gym memberships, etc.  I've tried several.  Some of them were actually somewhat successful.  NONE have done for me what this one has with so much ease and so quickly.  
This is day 5 of my Thrive experience.  Check back for more updates and to follow my journey.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Confession from day two

Thriving on Day Two

Ok, confession time.  Today was a little different than yesterday.  I slept really well but woke up with a dull headache.  I feel great otherwise.  I still have more energy than normal but the headache has slowed me down a little.  Certainly not enough to discourage me from Thriving.  My big take away from today: drink lots of water!  I still felt well enough to stay away from caffeine and haven't had any meds.

I'm almost frustrated that I didn't find this product sooner!!
I promise that it is at least worth a try.

Thriving! Results on day one

Thriving Day one

Day one was absolutely amazing!! I had no caffeine at all and no headache.  I had a very busy day and I didn't take a nap.  I really can't explain how good I felt today.  I wouldn't have ever believed it before giving this a try.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Tired of just surviving, ready to start THRIVING!!




I'm hoping that by sharing my story and my journey with Thrive I can help others to live life to the fullest.

To begin my story, let me tell you a little about me and a typical day.
I'm a 43 year old wife, mom of three (including a set of twins), and first grade teacher.  I've taught first grade for 20 years now.  
Before that, I was an athlete.  My basketball career began when I was about 10 years old.  It ended after four years of Division 1 college basketball at UAB where I was fortunate enough to earn a full scholarship. I feel this is important to my story because until then, my health and weight management wasn't a problem.  Then the real world began to set in!
Fast forward to now......
A typical day for me would go something like this:
5:18 am: Alarm goes off for the first time
5:18-6:00am: Abusing my snooze bar on my alarm clock
6:00am: I drag out of the bed, grab my diet Mt. Dew that sits beside my bed, and hit the shower.
The shower doubles as my "War Room" where I stand and say my daily prayers.
Hopefully by 7:00 am my three kids and I have gotten through the hectic routine of getting ready and are heading to school.  By this time I've usually finished off my first 16.9 oz Diet Mt. Dew and tossed back a handful of vitamins.
7:00am-3:00pm: A constant blur of keeping a classroom full of very active and demanding (not to mention very lovable) first graders engaged in learning.  There is also that long list of ridiculous demands placed on teachers on a daily basis but I'll save that rant for another time.  By the end of the school day I've usually finished off about three more Dt. Mt. Dews.  Before leaving school I load up at least two or three large bags of work that I was unable to get done during the school day. 
My evening routine usually includes someone having basketball practice, feeding a hungry family, a messy house, laundry needing attention, those bags I hauled home from school, etc. I'm usually so miserably tired that I give up and take a nap.  That leaves me very frustrated with myself because I still don't feel good, my work is not done, my house is still a mess, and I've missed out on time with my family.
There has to be more to life than this!!!!

This is where my journey with Thrive begins!!
This is day one.
If this sounds familiar and you want more than just surviving your days.  I invite you to give this a try. Check it out here:

P.S. I'll post an update after the end of the day but so far I feel great! No Diet Mt. Dew needed.